If you need to need to request removal of your Chopper Shopper rewards account, you may now do so via the My Price Chopper Android app.

After signing into the app with your account credentials, tap on the "More" button on the tabbed panel at the bottom of the screen.  From there, you will see an option to "Remove Account", as shown below:

My Price Chopper App - Remove Account

If you tap on the "Remove Account" link, the app will prompt you to confirm whether or not you would like to remove your account. 

My Price Chopper App - Confirm Account Removal

If you tap "No", no action will be taken and your account will not be removed.  However, if you tap "Yes", all of your account details, preferences, rewards, point balance, clipped coupons, shopping list, saved recipes and shopping cart will all be permanently removed and you will be signed out of the app.  Any previously placed online orders will be retained for the purposes of store reporting, but none of your account's demographic data will remain, so your orders will no longer be identifiable or associated with you in any manner in our systems.

Once your account has been removed, you will no longer be able to sign into mypricechopper.com or into the My Price Chopper application.  NOTE: There is no way to recover a removed account, so please proceed with caution.  If you inadvertently remove your account in error, you may sign up for a new one using your Rewards Card number by clicking here.  However, any previously accrued points, clipped coupons or redeemed rewards will not be restored.